麿紋 maromon 天然黒蝶貝 ピンバッヂ PINS 日本製 Made in Japan 生産地 奈良

天然黒蝶貝 ピンバッヂ[富士山]世界文化遺産に登録された富士山は、3776メートルの日本一高い山でその美しさから古来より多くの人々に愛されてきました。


[Mt.Fuji]Mt.Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan with a height of 3776m.It has long been loved by Japanese people because of its beautiful figure,and also been object of faith as a holy mountain.Mt.Fuji became a world's cultural heritage in 2013. [波]日本は四方を海に囲まれていて波は身近な存在であり、寄せては返す躍動感あふれる姿は武士達に好まれ、また輝く繊細な美しさから多くのデザインパターンが生まれました。

[wave]Since Japan is surrounded by the sea, waves are familiar to Japanese people. The dynamic figure of the restless wave was loved by samurai warriors. Its shiny and delicate beauty has brought forth various design patterns.[松]松は常緑樹で色の変わらないことから、長寿延命の吉祥として日本人の最も好む植物の1つです。


[Pine Tree]Pine trees, which are evergreen and never change color, are among the plants Japanese people enjoy the most, as they are known as auspicious omen representing longevity. They always accompany joyful events.[鯛]日本では尾頭付きの鯛は、華やかな赤色と、身が崩れず味もよしその名のごとく“めでたい”魚として人生の祝いの日には必ず御膳に上る魚です。


[Sea Bream]In Japan, a whole sea bream is served on a celebratory day of one’s life as a “festive” fish because of its gorgeous red color, good preservation of shape, and great taste.  Seen as an auspicious symbol, a sea bream appears in religious events and is used as a bringer of good-luck.日本の絶滅危惧種シリーズ[オオサンショウウオ]世界最大の両生類。




[Osanshouo (Japanese giant salamander)]The Osanshouo is the largest amphibian in the world. They have been living for 30 million years on the earth, and are called living fossils. They are designated as a Special National Treasure, being peculiar to Japan. Recently, they were designated as a quasi endangered species as being a threatened fish because of the habitat degradation.麿紋のピンバッジ(Pins)です。



 Elaborate carvings were given to a natural black-lip pear oyster.・優雅で高級感のある輝きのロジウムコーティングで仕上げてあります。

 Rhodium coating・絵柄は筆とペンによる手描きの創作紋です。


 Hand drawing・普段使いはもちろん、 お祝いごとにギフトとしても適しております。


 Delivered in a box Made in Japan 奈良Size 18mm

  • 商品価格:3,780円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0.0

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